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The G'Day Perth Campaign has been my capstone project for my Bachelor in Design degree with a team of 3 others bringing together audio, animation and graphic design.. Centred around Typography, vibrant colours and simplicity, it seeks to bring encouragement to the people of Perth in a time where things have been hard. Placed in strategic public places, it reaches a wide audience. This Campaign is supported by a webpage (Adobe XD Prototype), a social media presence, motion graphics and merchandise to help spread encouragement and smiles. I loved working on a campaign for a city that I love and the people in it. Restraining myself to simplicity has been a challenge, but was needed to bring the campaign message across with clarity. The full project can be viewed at this link: G'Day Perth Campaign 

Other Campaigns

In the most recent campaign, part of my BA in Design and Visual Communication, I rebranded the Elderflower Cordial from Belvoir Fruit Farm. The flagship flavour of the company in Europe, is a relatively new flavour to Australia, giving me a great opportunity to explore advertisement strategies and packaging options to break into the non-alcoholic drink market while delivering high quality. Engaging with user research, marketing strategies, media and social media strategies I've learned valuable lessons for future projects. 

Come Alive Poster - Summer & Winter

Come Alive Poster - Summer & Winter

These Posters have been part of my BA in Graphic Design on the theme "Escape from Reality". This project included Logo creation, 4 min Motion Graphic and a Poster Campaign. Click the link to see the whole Campaign.

Come Alive Poster - Autumn & Spring

Come Alive Poster - Autumn & Spring

These Posters have been part of my BA in Graphic Design on the theme "Escape from Reality". This project included Logo creation, 4 min Motion Graphic and a Poster Campaign. Click the link to see the whole Campaign.



This Film Poster I've created for a film student at SAE as part of his project, a documentary on the benefits of plant-based diet.



A promotional Postcard created for Megacities Ministries, representing that cities can change, not from the top down, but from the bottom up in every area of society.

Promotion Campaign for Manila

Promotion Campaign for Manila

One aspect of the promotion campaign for Manila has been creating this postcard alongside posters, booklets and social media announcements.

Global Youth Outreach

Global Youth Outreach

This Campaign was for a Youth Conference in Manila and extended into Posters, Banners, Tickets, Radio Ad, TV Ad, and social media strategy

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