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Web & App Design

In 2019 I was able to expand my skillset to Web Design. I was the graphic designer for the new website for Youth With A Mission Perth. In this process, I worked closely with the once making decisions and the developer, as well as overseeing a team to create content. 

Mobile App

One of my projects for University was to create a mobile phone app for tourists visiting Yagan Square in Perth, WA. This has been the result and allowed me to learn more about Adobe XD, UI Design and how to prototype the app. 

G'DayPerth Webpage_Shop PageG'DayPerth Webpage_Home Page

The G"Day Perth Campaign has been my capstone project for my Bachelor degree in Design. I created this Adobe Prototype website to support the rest of the campaign and create a place (apart from social media presence) to give more information to people and to purchase any merchandise if they like to. The Prototype Website can be viewed through this link: G'Day Perth Prototype Webpage

G'DayPerth Webpage_Shop Page
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